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I’m a health and fitness junkie and as my boyfriend says, ‘You’ll always find her in the kitchen eating almond butter out of the jar', which couldn’t be anymore true.


My story: 

I was not always into health and fitness, I hated sports and dreaded P.E. But then went through this phase was I concerned with my body, so like any teenage girl, I started dieting, cut out carbs (apart from fruits and vegetables) completely, ate only fruits, vegetables, and only a bit of white meat but in very restricted portions. Of course, my calorie intake was way lower than what I needed but I would rather be hungry than eat more. On top of that I was running 40+ mins every day, only cardio and no resistance training. I lost so much weight in those 2 months, all my friends noticed but I wanted to lose more and at that point I was already underweight according to the BMI. 


This of course, was not maintainable, so I went to university, stopped exercising, ate more and gained back all my weight and more. Felt terrible and tried what I did before to lose weight. Didn’t work and tried a ton of diets, in addition, if I didn’t see my results I would just cut more of my calories, exercise more, mainly cardio and hardly use weights.


Where I am now / My blog and Instagram:

It took me so long to get to where I am now. I’m now a vegetarian slowly transitioning to a vegan, I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, no longer fear carbohydrates (although I try to avoid refined carbohydrates) and eat till I’m full (yes, really). I eat a ton of tofu / beancurd (I’m addicted to it), beans, legumes, and chickpeas. A lot chickpeas. I don’t have the biggest sweet tooth but I do love them occasionally and I always try to make it refined sugar free if possible!


I share my recipes on my blog and Instagram in hopes of inspiring you guys to live a healthier lifestyle by eating mainly whole foods, show you how easy it is and that it’s the best thing you can do yourself! Also, being a vegetarian is not boring, there’s actually so much you can eat and I love getting creative with my food! And it’s cruelty free! I’m a foodie and I’m always on the hunt for healthy restaurants. But when a new store hits HK and everyone’s talking about it, how can I resist the temptation and not share it with you guys!?! Remember balance is key! No one can eat 100% clean and you don’t need to! Eat 80% whole foods and food that is good for your body in a week and those 20%? That’s for your favourite treats. 


As for fitness, I do resistance training 3 times a week, 3 sessions of LISS, 1-2 sessions of HIIT and I always try to foam roll afterwards! I’m forever trying to get abs and I’m obsessed with Kayla Itsines program!


Currently I’m applying to a Masters Degree in nutrition so I can become a Registered Dietitian and tell you exactly what your body needs and the importance of each them! With what I learn, I also hope to tell you the truth about all those diets that are out there and what it actually does to your body!


But for now, I’m sharing my passion and I hope you guys feel inspired to live a healthier lifestyle!





Hey, this is Shan!                      


I'm all about that balanced, healthy lifestyle (which of course, includes those occasional treats) and I hope to inspire you guys to live a healthier lifesytle! Follow me for simple and delicious recipes as well as tips and tricks to guilt free treats! Also, most of my dessert recipes are refined sugar free that taste just as good, how amazing is that?!?


P.S. I also try/review restaurants

whenever I can! 


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