- Perfect Balance -
It’s almost the weekend and that usually means a treat or a ‘cheat meal’. Most of the time I try to plan when my cheat meal will be so I can eat healthy the day before or have something lighter that morning. So this is an example of a meal that I would have prior to a cheat meal. It has carbohydrates, protein, and of course a ton of vegetables.
I usually try to make the meal 70% vegetables because I know when I have a cheat meal, it’s mainly going to be carbohydrates usually white carbs or in the form of sugar. Having a ton of vegetables beforehand keeps me full and ensures that I get most of the vitamins and minerals in for the day. The protein of course, is important for the body. As for carbohydrates, I choose wholegrains, such as quinoa, couscous, and brown rice, as it won’t cause my blood glucose to spike and again, keeps me full for longer. This is what I call my ‘perfect balance’ bowl, 70% carbohydrates, 15% protein, and 15% vegetables.
The carbohydrates in this case are short grain brown rice. As for protein, there’s egg, pan-fried tofu, and edamame. For vegetables, I usually add whatever I have in the fridge, so there’s leek, mushroom, wakame, and edamame. What do you guys do before a cheat meal? Do you plan your cheat meals and what is your favourite cheat meal? Let me know!

Makes 1 Portion
1 Leek
6 Cap Mushrooms
100g of Edamame
8g of Dried Wakame
40g of Dry short grain brown rice
1 Egg
100g of Tofu
Lemon juice
Cook the brown rice in a rice cooker or pot.
Soak the dried wakame in cold water.
Boil the egg, if you want the yolk to be slightly runny, boil it for about 4.5mins.
Cut the leek, mushroom, and tofu. Pan fry the tofu, season with salt and pepper.
Stir- fry the edamame, leek, and mushroom. Add tsuyu and season with black pepper.
Drain the wakame and squeeze half a lemon over it. This makes the dish really light and contrasts the stir fry really well.
Plate and season with aonori.