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- Fried Rice with Pearl Couscous -

I love this recipe, it’s perfect if you meal prep, you can make this as a batch and split it into several days. It’s also good in terms of marcos; it contains carbohydrates (couscous and vegetables), fat (egg and coconut oil), and protein (bean curd and egg) which is amazing! Throw in any vegetables you have in your fridge, add some protein and complex carbs and you’re good to go! : D


Makes 4 servings


  • 200g of dried pearl couscous

  • 1 Bitter melon

  • ¼ of cabbage

  • 50g of hard beancurd

  • 2 eggs

  • Garlic

  • ½ Onion

  • Fresh chili

  • Coconut oil

  1. Slice the bitter melon in half, lengthwise and scoop out the middle of the melon as it contains seeds

  2. Slice it thinly and place it in a bowl of water. Add some salt to the bowl of water and bitter melon so it isn’t as bitter.

  3. Cook the pearl couscous: add 400ml of water and the pearl couscous to a pot. Season lightly with some salt and black pepper. Once it starts to boil, turn the heat down and cover with a lid. Cook for around 15 mins until all the water is gone. Turn off the heat and cover for another 5mins.

  4. Cut the cabbage, beancurd, onion, fresh chili, and garlic

  5. Heat up the coconut oil in a pan, fry the garlic, chili, and onion until slightly brown

  6. Fry the cabbage and beancurd, when its almost done, add the bitter melon.

  7. Then add the cooked couscous to the vegetables and mix well.

  8. Scramble the eggs and add it to the couscous and vegetables.

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Hey, this is Shan!                      


I'm all about that balanced, healthy lifestyle (which of course, includes those occasional treats) and I hope to inspire you guys to live a healthier lifesytle! Follow me for simple and delicious recipes as well as tips and tricks to guilt free treats! Also, most of my dessert recipes are refined sugar free that taste just as good, how amazing is that?!?


P.S. I also try/review restaurants

whenever I can! 


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